GSLPG Mandated Report Quiz
15 Questions
GSLPG Mandated Report Quiz

**If either of the following situations occur: You cannot pass the quiz after 3 attempts or you still do not understand your role and responsibilities as a mandated reporter, please reach out to us at [email protected] and more training will be provided to you**

In Louisiana, Girl Scout leaders are considered mandated reporters, meaning they are legally obligated to report suspicions of abuse or neglect and can be held liable for criminal penalties if they are aware of abuse and fail to report it. All GSLPG volunteers are mandatory reporters and are required to complete mandatory reporter training.

Failure to report suspected child abuse by mandated reporters can result in criminal and/or civil liability. All states require the report to be made to some type of law enforcement authority or child protection agency. Reporting to a parent or relative will not satisfy the reporter’s legal duty under the statutes.

Please review all provided resources below thoroughly before attempting this quiz.

You can open the following links in a new tab on your browser:

Reporting Child Abuse/Neglect

Substance Exposed Newborns Reporting & Notifications

Recognizing the Signs & Symptoms of Child Abuse & Neglect

Mandated Reporters

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