American College of Orgonomy Orgonomic Science Quiz

9 Questions
American College of Orgonomy Orgonomic Science Quiz

The science of orgonomy has implications for all aspects of nature. Orgonomy was first developed by Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), student and colleague of Sigmund Freud. Dr. Reich's professional life began in psychoanalysis in the realm of unconscious emotions. His work, however, led him into progressively deeper and broader realms that organize into four basic areas: medical sciences, social sciences, biology and physics.

There are rare opportunities to learn and experience the art of natural scientific observation, which is why the American College of Orgonomy offers laboratory courses in orgonomic science. Our half-day courses are designed to present our students with an accessible portion of orgonomic knowledge.

If you are interested in learning more about the science of orgonomy and observing first-hand the orgonomic phenomena discovered by Dr. Wilhelm Reich, our 2019 half-day lab course, Bions: The Elemental Particles of Life, offers that unique and exciting opportunity. For more information and to request an application, call (732) 821-1144, send an email to [email protected] or visit our website.

The American College of Orgonomy


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