Adding Fast Facts
12 Questions

You must have at least 5 Fast Facts on Mahalo topic pages.

Many page templates have required Fast Facts. If yours does, consider completing this section first. Looking for the specific facts needed for the page can jump start your research. Frequently, after you've completed the Facts, you've accumulated enough knowledge to begin writing the page.

Fast Facts are bite-sized pieces of information that readers can look at to get a quick feel for the content of the Mahalo page. Are there significant stats that you want to highlight? Important dates that you want to point out? Put them in the Fast Facts—and be as clear and succinct as possible. All Fast Facts should be supported by a citation. In the box marked "Source," provide the URL of the page where you found the information. (Make sure this is a reliable site. An established blog, news article or official site is preferable to a "crowd-sourced" service such as Wikipedia).

When you get to the end of the suggested facts, feel free to include some of your own.

The Fast Facts section does not need a header. If you choose to include one, title it "Search Term Facts". Do not title it "Fast Facts for Search Term" or "Search Term Fast Facts."

Only the first letter of the label and the first letter after the colon should be capitalized, unless the text includes proper nouns.

Inlink 1-3 relevant existing Mahalo pages in Fast Facts. Do not inlink dates or locations, unless relevant to the page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Whenever possible use the Label: Data format for Fast Facts; it makes them more scannable.

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