Apa yang menyebabkan bibir hitam pada perempuan yang sering memakai lisptik ?
Correct Answer
A. Menggunakan lisptik dalam janganka panjang
Using lipstick for a long period of time can cause the lips to become dark or black. This is because some lipsticks contain ingredients that can darken the lips over time. Additionally, prolonged use of lipstick can lead to dryness and pigmentation of the lips, which can contribute to their darkening.
Yang menyebabkan jerawatan pada wajah adalah ?
Correct Answer
E. Semua jawaban benar
All of the answers are correct because they all mention different causes of acne on the face. "Balaeg" refers to hormonal changes that can lead to acne. "Memakai mercury bila tidak cocok" means using mercury-based products that may not be suitable for the skin, which can cause acne. "Kosmetik yang tidak cocok" refers to using cosmetics that do not suit the skin type, leading to breakouts. "Pembersih muka yang tidak cocok" means using facial cleansers that are not suitable for the skin, which can also cause acne. Therefore, all of these factors can contribute to the development of acne on the face.
Tujuan dari memberi shading (bayangan gelap) untuk bagian wajah yang akan disamarkan, adalah …..
Correct Answer
B. Memberi kesan sempit, kecil, cekung
Giving shading (dark shadows) to the parts of the face that will be concealed creates an illusion of narrowness, smallness, and concavity. This technique is used to make certain areas of the face appear smaller and more sunken, creating a desired effect.
Bentuk hidung yang besar, dapat dikoreksi dengan cara …
Correct Answer
C. Memberi bayangan gelap pada sepanjang cuping hidung
Giving a dark shadow along the nose bridge can help correct a large nose shape.
Pada rias wajah, kosmetik untuk menutupi kantung mata dapat menggunakan .
Correct Answer
A. Shading di bawah mata
The correct answer is "Shading di bawah mata." Shading refers to the technique of using darker shades of makeup to create the illusion of depth and contour. In the context of covering under-eye bags, shading can be used to create shadows and minimize the appearance of puffiness or dark circles. This technique is commonly used in makeup application to enhance facial features and create a more sculpted look.
Rias wajah untuk mata yang kecil, pada kelopak mata sebaiknya kita memakai warna ...
Correct Answer
D. Terang
The correct answer is "Terang". When it comes to small eyes, using bright colors on the eyelids can help create the illusion of bigger and brighter eyes. Bright colors tend to reflect light and make the eyes appear more open and awake. Therefore, using bright colors on the eyelids is recommended for small eyes.
Sebelum melakukan perawatan kulit wajah semua alat yang digunakan harus bersih dan bebas dari hama, ini di lakukan pada saat ...
Correct Answer
C. Persiapan alat
The correct answer is "Persiapan alat." Sebelum melakukan perawatan kulit wajah, penting untuk mempersiapkan alat-alat yang akan digunakan. Hal ini bertujuan agar alat-alat tersebut bersih dan bebas dari hama sehingga dapat digunakan dengan aman dan efektif. Persiapan alat juga dapat meliputi sterilisasi atau desinfeksi alat-alat agar tidak menyebabkan infeksi atau iritasi pada kulit wajah. Dengan mempersiapkan alat dengan baik, perawatan kulit wajah dapat dilakukan dengan lebih efisien dan memberikan hasil yang maksimal.
Alat – alat kecil seperti sendok una, spatula dan pinset harus di sterilkan terlebih dahulu dengan ...
Correct Answer
A. Alkohol 70 % dan kapas
The small tools like spoon, spatula, and tweezers need to be sterilized before use. The most effective way to sterilize them is by using alcohol 70% and cotton. Alcohol is a strong disinfectant that can kill bacteria and other microorganisms effectively. By using alcohol and cotton, it ensures that the tools are properly cleaned and free from any potential contaminants before usage.
Yang tidak termasuk dari persiapan pribadi .....
Correct Answer
E. Semua jawabab salah
The correct answer is "Semua jawaban salah" because all the other options mentioned are part of personal preparations. Wearing work clothes, removing all jewelry, sanitizing hands before work, and even using nail polish are all personal preparations that are necessary for certain jobs or tasks. Therefore, "Semua jawaban salah" is the answer that does not belong in the category of personal preparations.
Yang bukan ciri seorang wirausaha adalah……
Correct Answer
E. Orang yang selalu pesimis
The correct answer is "orang yang selalu pesimis" because being pessimistic is not a characteristic of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are known for their optimism, resilience, and ability to see opportunities in challenges. Pessimism can hinder their ability to take risks and adapt to uncertain situations, which are essential qualities for success in entrepreneurship.
Dalam berwirausaha kerap kita menemui kegagalan (lebih banyak) dan keberhasilan, sikap apa yang dapat kita tunjukan sebagai manusia yang beragama, bertuhan jika dalam berwirausaha menemui banyak kegagalan?
Correct Answer
D. Tetap berusaha mencari peluang dan banyak belajar dari pengalaman disertai dengan selalu berdo’a.
The correct answer suggests that in entrepreneurship, when facing numerous failures, one should maintain perseverance, continuously seek opportunities, learn from experiences, and always pray. This approach reflects a strong belief in God and a commitment to personal growth and improvement. It emphasizes the importance of resilience, learning from mistakes, and seeking guidance and support from a higher power.
Kemampuan inovatif seorang wirausaha merupakan....
Correct Answer
E. Proses mengubah peluang suatu gagasan/ide yang dapat dijual
The correct answer is "proses mengubah peluang suatu gagasan/ide yang dapat dijual". This is because the ability to innovate is an essential skill for an entrepreneur as it involves transforming opportunities into viable business ideas that can be sold in the market. It requires identifying and capitalizing on new or existing ideas, finding creative solutions, and adapting to changing circumstances to create a successful business venture.
Sikap menepati atau menaati peraturan yang sering terkait dengan faktor waktu disebut....
Correct Answer
C. Disiplin
The correct answer is "disiplin." Disiplin refers to the attitude of adhering to or obeying rules, which is often associated with time-related factors. This means that individuals who are disciplined are punctual and follow schedules and deadlines.
Kebiasaan yang harus dikembangkan untuk menjadi wirausahawan adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Positif
To become an entrepreneur, it is important to develop a positive mindset. Being positive helps in overcoming challenges and setbacks, maintaining motivation, and having a solution-oriented approach. It also attracts people and opportunities, fosters creativity and innovation, and contributes to building a strong and resilient business. A positive mindset enables entrepreneurs to see possibilities, take calculated risks, and persevere in the face of difficulties, ultimately increasing their chances of success.
Ciri-ciri wirausaha andal adalah, kecuali….
Correct Answer
E. Mengharap bantuan investor
An entrepreneur who is reliable and skilled does not rely on the help of investors to succeed. They are confident, able to identify opportunities, work hard, and utilize opportunities to their advantage. However, relying on investor assistance suggests a lack of self-reliance and the inability to make independent decisions. Therefore, the characteristic of "Mengharap bantuan investor" does not align with the traits of a successful entrepreneur.