Top Transport Flashcards

Transport or transportation is the movement of people, animals and goods from one place to another. Transportation can be done by car, train, airplane, ship etc. Transportation is as old as the human history. Welcome to our transport flashcards, a section dedicated to help you learn everything important about transportation. As usual, we have three sections of flashcards, each full with useful info on the topic.

The first flashcard is called ReQuize Chapter 2-3. In this section we have basic questions and answers such as what is vector, difference between mass and weight, and mathematical problems about speed. In the second group, called passive transport process, we learn about simple diffusion, osmosis, passive transport, facilitated diffusion and so on. In the final, third group, called Business Transport, we prepared definitions on air cushions, buoyancy, boat, ferry, submarine, waterway and so on. We know that these flashcards will help you succeed!