Western Humanities Final

75 things everyone should know about the western humanities through the Renaissance

75 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Where did humans originate from?
Who was the first king to enact laws in Babylonia, and possibly the world?
Which is not a Mesopotamian civilization: Babylonia, Egypt, or Assyria?
Who was the first known literary figure?
What was Egypt's major contribution to art?
They set a canon for proportions
Who is the originator of the epic literary tradition?
What is the significance of the Persian Wars?
They allowed Greek democratic institutions and humanistic values to develop
What was the cultural institution that grew out of the worship of the god Dionysus?
Pythagoras was the author of which scientific theory?
The belief that everything is based on numbers
The major Egyptian influence on Greek sculpture was?
Left-foot-forward movement
Who was the Greek leader noted as establishing democracy in Athens?
What was Alexander the Great's dream for the world?
To unite the East and West under one ruler
Who is known as the "Father of Medicine"?
What is Hellenistic Greece's most important contribution?
The skeptical spirit of democracy
What does conntrapposto mean?
The placement of the human figure so the weight is more on one leg then the other and the shoulders and chest are turned in the opposite direction from the hips and legs