Web Applications Sebesta 5e 2009 Chap 1

Web applications XML, HTML, XHTML various. All flashcard questions come from Programming the World Wide Web 2009 Fifth Edition Robert W. Sebesta, Chapter 1 

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What is the task of the DNS Name Server?
Name servers convert the fully qualified domain name to an IP address.
What was one of the fundamental requirements of the new national computer network proposed by the DoD in the 1960's
One fundamental requirement was that the network be sufficiently robust so that even if some of the network nodes were lost due to sabotage, war, or some other benign reason, the network would continue to function.
What is a virtual host?
Secondary hosts that support more than one site on a computer.
What protocol is used by all computers on the Internet?
Describe a fully qualified domain name.
A FQDN specifies its exact location in the tree hierarchy of the DNS. It specifies all domain levels.
What is the purpose of telnet?
The purpose of TELNET is to provide a fairly general, bi-directional, 8-bit byte oriented communications facility. It provides a standard method of interfacing terminal devices and terminal-oriented processes to each other.
In the first proposal for the web, what form of information was to be interchanged?
Information regarding documents describing the work of scientists to be interchanged.
What is hypertext?
Hypertext is text with embedded links to text in other documents to allow nonsequential browing of textual material.
What is the form of an IP address?
The IP address of a machine connected to the Internet is a unique 32 bit number. IP addresses are usually written and thought of as four 8bit numbers seperated by periods.
What category of browser, introduced in 1993, led to a huge expansion of web usage?
The Web Browser, specifically Mosaic
What is the document root of a web server?
The file structure of a web server has two seperate directories. The root of one of these is called the DOCUMENT ROOT. The files stored directly in th document root are those available to clients through top-level URLs.
What is the server root of the Web server?
The server root directory, along with its descendant directories, stores the server and its support directories.
What is a virtual document tree?
A virtual area is a secondary area from which documents can be served.
What is a proxy server?
Some servers can serve documents that are in the document root of other machines on the Web, in this case, they are called proxy servers.
How do partial paths to documents work in Web servers?
In most cases the path to the document is relative to some base path that is specified in the configuration files of the server. These paths are called partial paths and are normally used for things like searching top level directories for home pages.