What Do You Know About Anatomy and Functions of Urinary System Flashcards

Urinary System study terms

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What are the main functions of the urinary system?
To maintain homeostasis, and to eliminate waste products
What are the organs of the urinary system(4)
Paired ureters, single urinary bladder, urethra, kidney
What is the location of the kidney's?
They Extend from T12- C3 in the vertabraLie against the dorsal body wallIn superior lumbar region
What are the characteristics of urine?
Yellow colorSterileSlightly aromaticNormal pH(6)Specific gravity 1.001 to 1.035
What are the 3 processes of urine formation?
Glomcrular filtrationTubular reabsorptionTubular secreation
What is considered the normal urine consistent?
Solutes normally found in urineSodium and potassium ions Urea, Uric acid, creatineAmmoniaBicarbonate ions
What is considered abnormal in the urine?
Glucose, Blood proteins, Red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells, Bile
What are the 3 main regions of the kidney
Renal Medulla, Renal cortex, and renal pelvis
What is each kidney surrounded by to protect themselves>
Fatty mass perirenal fat capsule
What is the normal amount of urine excretion in a 24 time hour period?
1-8 liters
List 3 nitrogenous wastes that are routinely found in urine?
Urea, Uric Acid, and Creatine
What 2 substances are found in the filtrate and urine of healthy individuals?
Water, nutrients, and necessary ions
What 2 substances are found in the filtrate but not in the urine product?
Glucose, bile, blood proteins, hemoglobin, white blood cells
Why is pissing in a cup a normal procedure when you visit a doctor?
Your piss could be abnormal piss and could say a lot about your health like if you have STD's or glucose or your wbc count is found in your smelly ass piss
What is the substance responsible for the normal yellow color of urine?