United States History-Chapter 5 Section 2 A New Government

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*the system of government that the United States used *it divided power between the national government and the state governments
Legislative Branch
*made the laws *the Congress that is made up of The House of Representative and The Senate
Executive Branch
* it carries out the laws *the President and the Vice-President
Judicial Branch
*it interprets the laws *the Supreme Court
Checks and Balances
*this system prevents one branch of the government from dominating (or having too much power) over the others *this would protect American from the tyranny of centralized authority
How was the President to be elected?
*each state chose a number of electors equal to the number of senators and represetatives of that state *all of these electors, called the Electoral College, would vote for the candidates
Amendment process
*2/3 of both houses must agree to propose an amendment *3/4 approval to ratify the amendment
What are the Bill of Rights?
*a list of 10 amendments to the consitution that spell out individual citizen rights *religion, speech, political activity *right to bear arms *fair treatment when accused of crimes
Elastic Clause
*gives the Congress power to make any laws that are needed in order to carry out the mandate of the consitution