Unit 1 Chapter 2: Plant Transport Systems Flashcards

Study for the Plant Transport Systems of class 5th grade with our best flashcards based quizzes. Attempt the flashcard quiz and check your knowledge for the Plant Transport Systems. Learn the important terms, definitions, vocabulary, and much more related to the Plant Transport Systems and become the master of it with these flashcard quizzes. ​

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Plant tissues that moves water and minerals up from the roots.
The tissue in a plant that moves food down from the leaves to other parts of the plant.
A layer of cells in plants that seperates the xylem from the phloem.
What would happen to the amount of sugar produced if there was a drought?
The sugar amount would decrease.
What causes wide, light rings on a tree trunk?
There is plenty of water and growing conditions are good for the tree.
How are roots different?
Tap roots, fibrous roots, prop roots, and aerial roots.
What causes taproots to grow deep into the soil?
Deep underground water causes taproots to grow deep into the soil.