The Tissue Level of Organization.

Chapter 4.  

65 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A group of similar cells that preform a particular function.
What are the 4 kinds of human tissue?
Epithelial, connective, muscle, nerve.
What are the characteristics of epithelial tissue?
Covers your body, lines, secretes, the cells fit close together; avascular and innervated.
Doesnt have any blood vessels.
Supplied by nerve fibers.
Classification of epithelium based on layering and cell type?
Simple (1 layer), stratified; squamous: flat, irregular; cuboidal; columnar.
Simple squamous?
1 layer of flat, irregular cells.(lungs, kidneys, blood vessels).
Simple cuboidal?
L layer of square or rounded cells. (kidneys, ducks/tubes into the body).
Simple columnar?
1 layer of thin cells. (digestive tract).
Stratified squamous?
2 or more layers of flat, irregular cells. (skin, mouth, vagina) it can handle being scraped!
Stratified cuboidal?
2 or more layers of square/rounded cells. (ducts/tubes).
Stratified columnar?
2 or more layers of tall/thin cells. (urethra).
All cell types (bladder).
1 layer of tall/thin cells with the nuclei in different positions. (trachea).
Basement membrane?
A sheet of connective tissue at the bottom of epithelial tissue joins it to whatever is below it.