The Theory of Modern Government

Section 1 of Key Government Vocabulary

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Direct Democracy
Type of government characterized by citizens attending a town meeting and voting on issues raised, with the majority prevailing.
Elite and Class Theory
a group theory that revolves around an economic strata of society controlling the policy agenda.
those institutions that create public policy.
is a group theory characterized by many interest groups vying for control resulting in a government that is tied up in gridlock.
Linkage Institution
the means by which individuals can express preferences regarding the development of public policy.
Loose Construction
a liberal interpretation of the Constitution.
a group theory that involves different groups all vying for control of the policy agenda. No single group emerges, forcing the groups to compromise.
Policy Agenda
agenda that results from the interaction of linkage institutions.
Political Party
a group of people joined together by common philosophies and common approaches with the aim of getting candidates elected in order to develop and implement public policy. It is characterized by an organization that is responsible to the electorate and has a role in government.
who gets what, when, how, and why.
Public Policy
the final action(s) taken by government in promotional, regulatory, or distributive form.
Representative Democracy
form of government that relies on the consent of the people and is often called a republican government.
Strict Constructionists
individuals who believe in a conservative interpretation of the Constitution.
Unitary System of Government
type of government that centralizes all the powers of government into one central authority.