Specialized Eukaryotic Cells and Tissues: Other Specialized Cell Types

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the diffeerent types of Epithelial cells?
  • Squamous = flat.
  • Cuboidal = cube.
  • Columnar = column shaped.
What is a simple epithelium cell?
Simple epithelium = single cell layer = good for absorption, secretion, filtration, diffusion.
Where are simple squamous epithelial cells found?
Simple squamous: endothelium, capillary wall, alveolar wallSimple epithelium.
Where are simple cuboidal epithelial cells found?
Simple cuboidal: gland ducts, kidney tubules.
Where are simple columnar epithelial cells found?
Simple columnar: stomach and gut.
What are Stratified epithelial cells?
Stratified epithelium = two or more cell layers = good for protection against abrasion.
Where are stratified squamous epithelial cells found?
Stratified squamous: skin
Are stratified cuboidal/columnar epithelial cells commonly found?
Stratified cuboidal/columnar: not common.
What are Endothelial cells?
Endothelial cells = lines the inside of organs and blood vessels = simple squamous epithelium.
What do single layer endothelial cells facilitate?
Single layer cells facilitate diffusion.
What does the connective tissue structure comprise of?
Connective tissue structure = Cells + extracellular matrix.
What role do cells play in the connective tissue structure?
Cells: secrete the extracellular matrix (ground substance and fibers).
What role does ground substance play in the connective tissue structure?
Ground substance: glue that holds the matrix together
What role does fibre play in the connective tissue structure?
Fibers: mostly collagen, gives the matrix strength
What do Osteoblasts do?
Osteoblasts make bone.