Spanish Preterite and Imperfect Flash Cards

Preterit and Imperfect flash cards, including irregulars.

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 220

Cards In This Set

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What does the preterite tense indicate?
Specific events that happened in the past
What does the imperfect tense indicate?
Non-specific past events that do not focus on beginning or end
Comprar (P)
Compré, compraste, compró, compramos, comprasteis, compraron
Vender (P)
Vendí, vendiste, vendió, vendimos, venisteis, vendieron
Abrir (P)
Abrí, abriste, abrió, abrimos, abristeis, abrieron
Where does the spelling change occur in the -car, -gar, -zar verbs? (P)
The "yo" form
What is the spelling change in -car, -gar, -zar verbs? (P)
-car: c - qu
-gar: g - gu
-zar: z - c
In the verbs caer, creer, leer, and oír, what speling change happens? (P)
I - y in Ud./Él/Ella, and Uds./Ellos/Ellas forms
How do verb infinitives with the ending -uir have a spelling change? (P)
I - y in Ud./El/Ella and Uds./Ellos/Ellas
Name the stem changing -ir verbs, and where the stem change is. (P)
Pedir, dormir, consequir, consentir, hervir, morir, preferir, repetir, seguir, sentir, servir; El/Ella/Ud. and Ellos/Ellas/Uds. forms
Pedir (P)
Pedí, pediste, pidió, pedimos, pedisteis, pidieron
Dormir (P)
Dormí, dormiste, durmió, dormimos, dormisteis, durmieron
Andar (P)
Anduve, anduviste, anduvo, anduvimos, anduvisteis, anduvieron
Estar (P)
Estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos, estuvisteis, estuvieron
Poder (P)
Pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudisteis, pudieron