Sociology Test #2

2nd sociology test which covers social interaction, groups and organization, crime and deviance, and media

55 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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How does the Functionalism Theory relate to Media? 4 things.
Media brings people together to define norms, entertain us, and inform us.
1. Agent of socialization: it influences who we are.
2. Enforces norms: shows who the bad guys/ good guys are.
3. Conferral of status: shows our heroes, celebrities, and a model of what to be like.
4. Promotes Consumption: advertisement- how the economy supports itself.
What is narcotizing dysfunction? What social theory is it from?
The media provides so much coverage that the audience becomes numb.

How does the conflict theory relate to media? 3 things.
1. media presents homogenous view of culture because it is trying to appeal to a wide audience.
2. Digital divide: low income households may lack easy access to certain media devices.
3. Media can create stereotypes
What is cultural hegemony? What theory is it from?
The media is controlled by a few elites.

How does the symbolic interactionism theory relate to the media? 2 things.
1. interested in how media shapes day to day life of individuals. Ex. body image, relationships
2. Power of symbols: Political leaders and celebs manipulate their image through public appearances.
What is an opinion leader?
A person who influences the opinions and decisions of others through day to day personal contact and comm.

Mass media influence opinion leaders who in turn influence others. Ex. Movie critic or political activists
Explain how mass media relates to global culture.
Countries with a wealthier population have better communication capabilities, making the effect of mass media on a more global scale. Poorer countries such as Mexico are not as influenced by the media.
Define Social Interaction
Process by which people act and react in relation to others. Either verbal or non verbal.
Define Social Institutions.
Organized system of social behavior with a recognized purpose.
Ex. School
Define Social Structure
Organized pattern of relationships and institutions that compose society.
Made up of social interactions and social structures.
What holds society together? Who defined this theory? What two things does it comprise?
Division of labor and how tasks are divided (individual and societal).
Emile Durkheim.
Mechanical and Organic Solidarity
Define Mechanical Solidarity.
Unity based on similar roles - often very religious.
-share the same values.
-Traditional, likeness.
ex. monks, amish.
Define Organic Solidarity
Emphasis placed on differentiation between roles
-specialization holds people together
-individual choice and privacy
-those in society depend on one another for their specializations.
-dynamic relationship roles.
Define status and status set
Status: social position that a person holds. (prestige)

status set: combination of statuses
Define the three types of status'
Ascribed: social position a person receives at birth or takes on involuntarily. ex. race, sexual orientation, age.
Achieved: person takes on voluntarily to reflect personal ability and effort. ex. occupations
Master: position that holds special importance for social identity - can be reflected by or the same as achieved.