Sociology of Family AS: Conjugal Roles

Conjugal Roles

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Conjugal Roles
The roles played by a male and female partner in a marriage or a cohabiting relationship
Segregated Conjugal Roles
Show a clear division between the male and female roles.
Integrated Conjugal Roles
Show few divisions between male and female roles.
Willmott and Young
Symmetrical family: men become more domesticated, women breadwinners, couples companionate.
How many women now have jobs?
7/10 women now have jobs
Coltrane et al
Delayed childbirth = men do more housework
In dual career families women still had more responsibility to housework.
Rapoport and Rapoport
Career women still viewed by husband and children as wife and mother.
Ann Oakley
Jointly does not mean equally.Mens motive often to help woman out: still her role.
David Morley
Women see the home as a place of work, men see the home as a place of relaxation.
Arlie Hoschild
Full time working women spent at least 3 hours a day doing housework
How women are socialised involving domestic roles
Women's work, better at it than men. Assumption that women should enjoy it and be fulfilled by it.
Ann Oakley (study of 40 housewives)
Similar coping systems as that of factory workers, alienated by work, competed with each other to be good housewives.
Mansfield and Collard
Limited symmetry in newly weds. Newly wed wives: disappointed by lack of emotional repriocity in marriage
Sallie Westwood
Asian conjugal roles = assymetrical