Sectional Anatomy Test 1

Basic anatomy of the

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is the skull made up of
Cranium and facial bones
Cranium protects:
The brain and organs of hearing and equilibruim
Facial bones functions:
Form the framework of the face, provide cavities for sense organs, provide openings for passage of air and food, secure teeth, and achor facial muscles of expression
Coronal suture joins
Frontal with parietal bones
Sagittal suture joins
The 2 parietal bones
Squamosal suture joins
Temporal with parietal bones
Lambdoidal suture joins
Occipital with parietal bones
In children bones are joined by
Fontanels, soft spots
Anterior fontanel closes after
2 years
Posterior fontanel closes after
1 year
Cranium is divided into
The calvaria, top of the skull and the base, or floor
The base or floor of the cranium is divided into
Anterior(houses frontal lobe), middle(houses temporal lobe, and posterior(houses cerebellum) cranial fossa
What sits in the sella turcica
Pituitary gland
Optic nerve are
Photoreceptors whose axons exit retina as optic disc
Path from optic nerve..
To optic chiasma(medial fibers cross), to optic tract, to thalamux, to optic radiation, to visual cortex