Scientific Method Vocabulary

Created a flash cards for scientific method in my ninth grade biology class. :)

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The study of life.
Scientific Method
The process that scientists use to find knowledge about the "physical" world using logical problem solving steps which can be repeated by other for further investigation and/or verification.
A question about an observation.
An experience of perception through the senses.
What you expect to happen when you test the hypothesis.
The test of a hypothesis that can be repeated.
Controlled experiment
An experiment that uses two identical groups and exposes only one of the groups to an experimental treatment variable.
Control Group
The untreated group used for comparison.
Experimental Group
The group that receives treatment.
Any factor or condition that can affect an experiment. (constants, independent, dependent)
A scientific principle based on many tested hypotheses but always subject to change if new information becomes available.