Science GCSE, Chemistry

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All substances are made up of atoms. Atoms contain 3 types of particles: Protons, Neutrons (except hydrogen) and electrons.
Elements are substances made up of just one type of atom.
Compounds are substances formed from the atoms of two or more elements, which have been joined together by a chemical bond.
Chemical reactions
The substances that you start with are called reactants. During the reaction the atoms in the reactants are rearranged in some way to form new substances called products. No atoms are lost or gained during the reaction.
Baking powder
It is added to cake mixture because the carbon dioxide gas that is given off when it is heated causes the cake to rise.
Lime water
Can be used to test for the presence of Carbon dioxide. If it is present the lime water will turn cloudy.
Food Aditives
A material that is put in a food to improve it in some way is called a food aditive.
materials that stop the food reacting with oxygen in the air. They are usually added to foods containing fats or oils, e.g. sausages and bacon.
Food colours
Improve the appearance of the food
Flavour enhancers
Help bring out the flavour of a food without adding a taste of their own.
Help to mix ingredients which would normally seperate. salad dressings and mayonaise contain emulsifiers.
Smells are made up of molecules which travel up your nose and stimulate your sense cells.
Synthetic perfumes
A perfume with a smell that has been manufactured.
A common family of compounds used as perfumes. An ester is made by reacting an alcohol with an organic acid. This produces an ester and water.
Crude oil
It is found in permeable rock. When it is extracted it is a thick black sticky liquid. It is transported to a refinery through a pipeline or in oil tankers.