Science - Chapter 10 Plants

Plant adaptations

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Flowering vascular plants that produce a fruit containing one or more seeds; monocots and dicots (p.309)
Vascular tissues that produces xylem and phloem cells as plant grows (p.307)
Chemical compound made out of sugar.
Forms tangled fibers in the cell walls of many plants and provides structure and support (p.294)
Waxy, protective layer that covers the stems, leaves, and flowers of many plants and helps prevent water loss (p.294)
Angiosperm with 2 cotyledons inside its seed, flower parts in multiples of 4 or 5 and vascular bundles in rings (p.310)
Guard Cell
Pairs of cells that surround stomata and control their openings and closings (p.305).
Vascular plants that do not flower, generally have needlelike or scalelike leaves and produce seeds that are not protected by fruit (p.308)
Conifers, cycads, ginkgoes and gnetophytes (p.308).
Angiosperm with one cotyledon inside its seed (p.310).
Nonvascular Plant
Plant that absorbs water and other substances directly through its cell walls instead of through tubelike structures (p.297).
Vascular tissue that forms tubes that transport dissolved sugar throughout a plant (p.307).
Pioneer Species
A group of hardy organisms, such as lichens, found i the primary stage of succession and that begin an area's soil building processes.
Threadlike structures that anchor nonvascular plants to the ground (p.298).
Tiny openings in a plants epidermis through which carbon dioxide and water vapor gases enter and leave a leaf.