Explain These Microbial Ecology Terms Flashcards

Study and Explain these Microbial ecology terms with our flashcards quizzes. Learn the terms, vocabulary, definitions, and much more related to these Microbial ecology terms with these interesting flashcard quizzes with ease and fun.

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Salon Ecology
Involves how to keep the special enviornment of the salon in balance to guarantee everyone's health.
The study of small living organisms called microbes, such as bacteria.
One celled micro-organisms; also called germs or microbes.
What is Bacteria referred to?
Non-disease-producing bacteria.
Disease-producing bacteria.
Saprophytes (SAP-ro-fights)
Nonpathogenic bacteria that live on dead matter and do not produce disease.
Cocci (KOK-si)
Spherical(round)-shaped bacterial cells, which appear singularly or in groups.
Staphylococci (staf-i-lo-KOK-si)
Pus-forming bacterial cells that form grape-like bunches or clusters and are present in abscesses, pustules and boils.
Streptococci (strep-to-KOK-si)
Pus-forming bacterial cells that form in long chains and can cause septisemia (something called blood poisoning), strep throat, rheumatic fever and other serious infections.
Diplococci (dip-lo-KOK-si)
Bacterial cells that grow in pairs and are the cause of certain infections, including pneumonia.
Bacilli (ba-SIL-i)
Bar- or rod-shaped cells that can produce a variety of diseases including tetanus, bacterial influenza, typhoid fever, tuberculosis and diphtheria.
Spirilla (speye-RIL-a)
Spiraled, coiled, corkscrew-shaped bacterial cells that cause highly contagious diseases such as syphilis, cholera and lyme disease.
Active Stage
Bacteria reproduce and grow rapidly.
Inactive Stage or dormant stage
Cells die.