Sadlier-Oxford Vocab Level G Unit 6 English Vocab

20 cards, color coded, pos, def, syn, ant, and custom sen. 

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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AbjectAdjUnit 6
(adj.) degraded; base, contemptible; cringing, servile; complete and unrelieved; miserable, ignoble
the abject thief was miserable over his sentencing to life in prison.
Syn: utter Ant: lofty, noble, exalted
AgnosticNoun AdjUnit 6
(n.) one who believes that nothing can be known about God; a skeptic;
The agnostic looked skeptically at holy water.
(adj.) without faith, skeptical
The agnostic man left the church continuing to question the Lords divine power.
Syn: Doubter Ant: Believer
ComplicityNounUnit 6
(n.) involvement in wrongdoing; the state of being an accomplice
The complicity aided the bad guy in robbing the bank.
Syn: Connivance
DerelictNoun adjUnit 6
(n.) someone or something that is abandoned or neglected;
The derelict was abandoned.
(adj.) left abandoned; neglectful of duty
The derelict boys on the island neglected the fire.
Syn: Remiss Ant: Punctilious, scrupulous
DiatribenounUnit 6
(n.) a bitter and prolonged verbal attack
The diatribe you verbally attacked me with still stings my ears.
Syn: harangue Ant: Panegyric, encomium
EffigyNounUnit 6
(n.) a crude image of a despised person
The effigy of Hitler was used as propaganda for US to incite hatred for him.
Syn: likeness, figurine
EquitynounUnit 6
(n.) the state of quality of being just, fair, or impartial; fair and equal treatment; something that is fair; the money value of a property about and beyond any mortgage or other claim
We have a lot of equity on our home.
Syn: Impartiality, Justice Ant: Bias
InaneAdjUnit 6
(adj.) silly, empty of meaning or value
Your inane excuses mean nothing to me.
Syn: Vapid, fatuous Ant: Profound
IndictmentNounUnit 6
(n.) the act of accusing; a formal accusation
You gave me an indictment about my dogs barking at you when you walk past them.
Syn: charge, accusation
IndubitableAdjectiveUnit 6
(adj.) certain, not to be doubted or denied
This is indubitable information because it is certain to be fact.
Syn: indisputable Ant: Dubious
IntermittentAdjective Unit 6
(adj.) stopping and beginning again, sporadic
The intermittent song would start and stop because it was scratched.
Syn: Fitful, random, spasmodic
MootAdj verb nounUnit 6
(adj.) open to discussion and debate, unresolved;
This issue is open for moot, so debate away,
(v.) to bring up for discussion;
I would like to moot this so we can discuss whether or not we want to change this for the better.(n.) a hypothetical law case argued by students
As law students we practice a moot.
Syn: Broach
MotifNounUnit 6
(n.) principle idea, feature, theme, or element; a repeated or dominant figure in a design
The leaf motif appeared again and again the book, adding to its importance.
Neophytenoununit 6
(n.) a new convert, beginner, novice
The neophyte was new to bingo.
Syn: Tenderfoot, tyro, rookie Ant: Past master, pro
PerspicacityNounUnit 6
(n.) keenness in observing and understanding
The detective's perspicacity helped him to be able to analyze if this was a murder.
Syn: Acuity, acumen