Rickettsial Infections

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Question 1
Pt spent summer in NE US with a rash that began peripherally and moved centrally, including palms and soles. Rash began 3-5 days after fever and headache. Pt has some edema and lueko/thrombocytopenia.

Parasite, syndrom, vector?
R. Rickettsii (rocky mt spotted fever)

Vector: Dermacentor tick

problems with AA c G6P defiency
Question 2
Pt with fever, intense headache, and Tache noire, bit by a tick. Pt then developed severe disease because of hx of alcoholism and diabetes. Name two bacteria and the regoins.

R conorii (Fievre boutonneue/ Medit SF): Mediterranean, middle east, Africa

R Africae: southern Africa

Quelle Tache...Mediterranean boys are cornii, prefer south africa
Question 3
Pt comes in with chills, headache, and fever of abrupt onset. There is a vesiculopapular rash. The pt has been living in a shelter for three months.

What is the vector, the etiological agent and the clinical name for the syndrome?
R akari
mouse mites

His Vesicle? he MITE be living in AKAR (akari)
Question 4
War broke out in poland. A refugee comes in with abrupt onset fever, chills, myalgia, headache and rash that began centrally and spread to limbs (not on face, palms or soles).

Name the bacteria, clinical syndrome, vector.
How do you diagnose?
Is mortality high?
R prowazekii
Epidemic typhus
Body louse (feces)(Pediculushumanus)
Diagnose: serology and clincal suspicion (all rickeseal infections), weil-felix test for Typhus (outdated)
Moratilty 40% (highest of all), especailly with elderly

War in Poland (cold) epidemic the body louse is on the prow-ski (prowazekii)
Question 5
Ali is living in the port city SD, Cali (or texas). She has a ton of cats who have rats and one opposum. She calls with a fever, headache, chills and nausea. SHe has a rash that appeared everywhere at once.

Name the bacteria, clinical syndrome, vector?
R typhi
Endemic/murine typhus
Question 6
Pt traveling in Australia and SE Asia comes in with a eschar and regoinal lymphadenopathy. Pt now devloping fever, heacache and rash. She is also having trouble hearing (deafness).

Name bacteria, clinical syndome and vector
O tsutsugamushi
Scrub typhus
Chigger larval mite

"Tsuk tsuk.. you deaf mate? chigger dont want no scrub, typhus."
Question 7
A farm vet delivered cattle placenta and inhaled ONE bacterium. A month later he had bilateral pneumonia and hepatitis. 6 mo later he has endocarditis (that is culture neg) and osteomyelitis.
What is the bacteria, clinical syndome and resevoir?
What cells does this bacteria attack
Coxiella burnetii (Q fever)
Resevoir: cattle, sheep and goats uniate in water-> contact or inhale
Cells: live inside phagolysosome of macrophages
Question 8
Pt in southern US with fever chills, headache, vomiting/nausea and a rash. Labs show leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. Smear showing morulae inside of Monocytes.

Name Bacteria, syndorme?
7 days ago pt was bit by a ___?
Answer 8
Ehrlichia Chaffeensis
Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis
Lone star tick: A americanum
Question 9
Pt presents with fever chills, hadache and peripheral neuropathy. abs show leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. Smear showing morulae inside of Granulocytes.

Name Bacteria, Syndrome?
What other disease should you check for, why?
Answer 9
Anaplasma Phagocytophilum
Human granulocytic Anaplasmosis
Check for lyme and bebeiosis bc vecotor is Ixodes.
Question 10
Halmark of infected endothelial cells?
halmark of infected endothelial cells?-> vasculitis