Reproduction Exam 1: Endocrine System


61 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Chemical regulating systems (there are 2)
Pheromones & Hormones
Organism to organism communication
Cell to cell communication molecules
Ligand also means
Hormones are:
made in...
transported by...
Endocrine (ductless) glands and exocrine (many cells that make a duct) glands
Endocrine glands are?
Ductless and have rich supply of blood
Cognitive receptor is
A specific receptor for a particular hormone
ex: LH -> LH receptor
How do hormones produce a physiological response?
Agonist and antagonist
Define agonist
Molecules that bind a receptor and induce effects
Define antagonist
Molecules that bind receptor and block agonist.
do not induce effects
Synergistic effects (additive effects):
Permissive and integrative
Define permissive effects
Hormone is necessary for another to induce effect
Define integrative effects
Hormones produce different and complementary results
Endocrine system regulates what long-term processes?
Growth, development, and reproduction
What factors influence effectiveness of hormones?
Rate of production, Rate of Delivery, and Rate of Degradation and Elimination