Choose Correct Poverty and Health Terms Flashcards

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Which topic is central to the study of economics? (1) tracking the development and spread of diseases (2) understanding the causes of ethnic rivalries (3) examining the distribution and use of limited resources (4) studying the growth and role of political parties
(3) examining the distribution and use of limited resources
Which feature would most likely appear on a physical map? (1) population densities (2) land usage patterns (3) climatic patterns (4) mountain ranges
(4) mountain ranges
Where does the archaeological evidence gathered by Louis and Mary Leakey suggest the earliest humans developed? (1) Great Rift Valley (2) Amazon rain forest (3) Himalaya Mountains (4) Philippine archipelago
(1) Great Rift Valley
A direct result of the Neolithic Revolution is that people (1) began living in permanent settlements (2) developed a nomadic way of life (3) depended on hunting and gathering (4) used crop rotation to increase agricultural output
(1) began living in permanent settlements
Subsistence farming can best be defined as (1) harvesting a surplus of crops to be sold for profit (2) producing just enough food for a family’s survival (3) domesticating animals to transport goods (4) irrigating crops to increase production
(2) producing just enough food for a family’s survival
Which practice is most closely associated with a person of the Islamic faith? (1) refraining from eating meat on Fridays (2) praying five times a day (3) following the Eightfold Path (4) worshipping many gods
(2) praying five times a day
The Gupta Empire was best known for its (1) advances in mathematics and medicine (2) efforts to resist European imperialism (3) development of the barter system (4) construction of Angkor Wat
(1) advances in mathematics and medicine
A major contribution of the Byzantine Empire was the (1) invention of the wheel and gunpowder (2) participation of citizens in government (3) diffusion of Hindu beliefs (4) preservation of Greek science and Roman engineering
(4) preservation of Greek science and Roman engineering
Which political system is best described in the outline below? I. A. Decentralized government B. Based on loyalty and service C. Code of chivalry D. Military elite (1) Oligarchy (3) Feudalism (2) Absolutism (4) Democracy
(3) Feudalism
What was one direct result of the Crusades? (1) Trade increased between Europe and the Middle East. (2) Islamic kingdoms expanded into Europe. (3) Arabs and Christians divided the city of Jerusalem between them. (4) Alexander the Great became a powerful leader in Eurasia.
(1) Trade increased between Europe and the Middle East.
Which statement about government during the Tokugawa period in Japan is most accurate? (1) The power of the emperor was absolute and supreme. (2) The real power was held by foreign countries. (3) Actual power was held by the shogun. (4) Political power was in the hands of the merchant class.
(3) Actual power was held by the shogun.
One way in which the Silk Roads and the West African trade routes are similar is that along both routes (1) the main items exchanged were ivory and tobacco (2) concrete was used to improve the surface of the roads (3) a single currency was used to make transactions easier (4) ideas were exchanged as merchants interacted with each other
(4) ideas were exchanged as merchants interacted with each other
The use of the geographic terms Near East and Far East reflects (1) the distance of nations from Mecca (2) a European view of the world (3) a Japanese perspective of Asia (4) the location of Southwest Asia in relation to North Africa
(2) a European view of the world
• The introduction of gunpowder helped bring an end to feudalism. • The printing press played an important role in causing the Reformation. These statements best reflect the idea that (1) environmental changes can affect human society (2) contact with other societies can lead to conflict and war (3) economic change can be slow and almost unnoticed (4) technological advances can lead to major change
(4) technological advances can lead to major change
Martin Luther was primarily dissatisfied with the Roman Catholic Church because he (1) thought the church lacked structure (2) disagreed with the sale of indulgences (3) blamed the church for not curing people who had the plague (4) believed that kings should have more power to appoint clergy
(2) disagreed with the sale of indulgences