Psychology--Chapter 4: Personality


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The patterns of feelings, motives & behavior that set people apart from one another.
An aspect of personality that is considered to be reasonably stable
Gordon Allport
Assumed traits can be inherited & are fixed in the nervous system
Hans Eysenck
Came up with introverts & extroverts
Tend to be imaginative & look inward rather to other people
Tend to be active & self-expressive & gain energy from interaction
5 basic personality factors?
Extroversion, emotional stability, conscientiousness,agreeableness, and openness to experience
Psychoanalytic approach
Teaches that all people undergo inner struggles
Sigmund Freud
Origin of inner conflict approach psychoanalysis: talking cure dream analysis: believed people experience unconscious wishes in their dreams
Id (Jack from LOTF)
Represents basic drives, present @ birth
Ego (Simon from LOTF)
Develops b/c a child's demand for instant gratification cannot be met
Superego (Piggy from LOTF)
Develops during early childhood, functions according to moral principle
Defense Mechanisms
Methods the ego uses to avoid recognizing ideas that may cause personal anxiety
Stages of Development (Freud's)
Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital
Two types of anal personality traits
Analretentive, analexplusive