Psychology - Parts and Functions of the Brain

Parts of the brain and their functions for Pysc 1000 exam.

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Front Back
Forebrain (or cerebrum)
2 Large cerebral hemispheres (left and right) Outer portion has thin covering (cortex)
Just above hindbrainIncludes: Clusters of sensory and motor neurons. Connect higher and lower of nerv system. Important relay for visual and auditory
Includes: brain stem, cerebellum, medulla
L: Above midbrainF: Switchboard, organizes input from sense organs and routes them. Sense have relay stations in thalamus.
Pons (bridge in Latin)
L: Hindbrain - just above medullaF: Carries nerve impulses between higher and lower levels of nerv system. Cluster of neurons which regulate sleep and involved with dreaming. Contains neurons that control muscles and glands of face + neck. Also helps respiration.Damage = death
L: Hindbrain - first structureF: Regulates vital functions such as breathing and circulation, they occur automatically. Also two-way through fare for all sense and motor nerve tract coming up from spinal. Tracts cross in medulla so left brain services right side.Damage leads to death. Suppression caused by high levels of alcohol.
Cerebellum (little brain in Latin)
L: Hindbrain - rear of brain stem F: Muscular movement also some role in learning and memory. Regulates complex movement. Easily disrupted by alcohol.
L: Under thalamusF: Basic bio drives, sexual behaviour, temperature, eating, drinking, aggression and expressing emotion. Controls pituitary gland
Pituitary gland
Regulates growth: controls thyroid, ovaries, or testes, regulates metabolism. "Master gland"
Limbic System
L: Deep within cerebral hemiF: Important partner with hypothal, coordinate behav. needed to satisfy motivational and emotional urgesTWO PARTSHippocampus - forming and retrieving memoriesAmygdala - organizes emotional response patterns
Reticular Formation
L: Buried in midbrain, finger shapedF: Alerts higher centers messages are coming then blocks or allows. Without messages don't register in conscious awareness. Consciousness, sleep, and attention.
Frontal Lobe
Speech and skeletal motor functions
Broca's Area
L: Temporal LobeF: Normal speech production, formulates then sends to motor cortex.
Temporal Lobe
Auditory system
Motor Cortex
L: Rear of Frontal LobeF:600+ muscles involved with voluntary , each hemisphere control opposite side.