Psychology: Chapter 3 Child Development

Psychology test one part three

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are infant's 5 basic reflexes?
Babinski- fanning of toesGrasping reflexes- strong grasp of object that touches fingersRooting reflex- Turning of head and opening of moth toward light touch on check or lipsSucking reflexing- self explanitoryMoro reflex- Outstrechting of arms or legs in response to a loud sound
What are the visual preferences of the newborn?
Infants prefer to look at patterns over solidsFavorite pattern is human faceInfants may be born without social reflex
What are the implications of meltzoff and Moore's study?
Infants can immitate facial expressioncross modal matching- matching of for example smell of something with textureGain depth perception at age nine months
What is cross modal matching and what does it tell us about newborns?
That infants can match smell and sight??
When does an infant develop depth perception?
Nine months
What are the auditory preferences of a newborn?
3 day old infants like mothers voiceRecognize certain intonations and phrases or passages read to them while in womb
What are the implications of the concept of number in in infants?
Babies shown to comprehend number on some level
What similarities and differences are there in motor development? How does culture affect these stages?
What are the basic and social emotions and when do they appear?
Newborns display interest in environmentAround three months express delight/distress3.5-4 months=laughter4-6 months= anger, disguest and suprise18 months to three years show self concious emotions (ie envy, shame, guilt etc)
What is self awareness?
Can use mirror test to see if infants know their place in the worldDepends on brain maturation but self awareness seems to develop around 15 months
What are the different qualities of attachment and how are they manifested?
Security attached- positive relationship between parent and kid. Secure when parent is there, seperation distressed, delighted by reunionInsecure avoidant- hates seperation but aviods interactinig with parent during reunionInsecure ambivilant- Anxious emotional bond: child simultaneously seeks and resists contact at reunion
What roles does contact play in development? roles of rhesus monkeys?
Innate pleasure derived from contact, basis for infants first attachmentThe monkeys always went to the soft monkey for comfort
What are the stages of language development?
Cooing (2 months)Babbling (7 months)Single word (1 year)Two word stages (aka telegraphic speech) 24 months
What is telegraphic speech?
Child works in 2 word statements that usually consist of content words and devoid of function words
What are the theories of language development?
Learning theories- Form associations between words and objects in real world Language use is reinforced by parents Learn through imitationB. Chomsky's theory Born with capacity to learn language Language acquisition device- Built in mechanism for acquiring language. Born w/ predisposition toward language