Psychology 100 - Chapter 14: Abnormal Behaviour

Abnormal Behaviour - Myths, Realities and Controversies 

107 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What does the Medical Model think of abnormal behaviour?
proposes that it is useful to think of abnormal behavior as a disease
Involves distinguishing one illness from another
refers to the apparent causation and developmental history of an illness
is a forecast about the probable course of an illness
What did Thomas Szasz criticize about the medical model?
Criticizes this theory as illness can affect only the body and minds can be sick only. Abnormal behavior involves a deviation from the norm
Labeled mentally ill when they deviate from the norms
Maladaptive Behaviour:
everyday adaptive behavior is impaired (drug use is not unusual but when it begins to interfere with social or occupational functioning)
Personal Distress:
Depression or anxiety disorders
Stereotypes of Psychological Disorders
-Psychological Disorders are incurable-People with Psychological Disorders are often violent-People with Psychological Disorders behave in bizarre ways, and are very different
David Rosenhan Study:
Admitted normal people to seek admission to a mental hospital where the pseudopatients complained of one false symptom-hearing voices. They were releases 19 days later on average.
The 5 Axis of Psychodiagnosis:
· Axis I: Clinical Syndromes (Major depressive disorder, Cocaine abuse) · Axis II: Personality Disorders or Mental Retardation (Borderline personality disorder) · Axis III: General Medical Conditions (Hypertension) · Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems (Psychosocial stressors: recent divorce, job in jeopardy) Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (46)
the study of the distribution of mental or physical disorders in a population
refers to the percentage of a population that exhibits a disorder during a specified time period-51% have a lifetime risk-44% will struggle with a psychological disorder at some point
Anxiety Disorders:
a class of disorders marked by feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety.
5 Principle types of Anxiety Disorders
1-Generalized Anxiety Disorder2-Phobic Disorder3-Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia4-Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder5-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder