Answer the Following Classical Conditioning Questions in Psychology Flashcards

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Psychologists define learning as the process of
acquiring new information or relatively enduring behaviors.
Pets who learn that the sound of an electric can opener signals the arrival of their food illustrate
classical conditioning.
In classical conditioning, a stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning is called a(n)
unconditioned stimulus.
In Pavlov's experiments, the sound of the tone triggered the dog's salivation. Salivation to the sound of a tone was a(n)
conditioned response.
Extinction occurs when a ________ is no longer paired with a ________.
Because of the discomfort and embarrassment associated with his childhood bed-wetting, Andrew becomes nervous whenever he senses an urge to urinate. If genital arousal subsequently makes Andrew unusually anxious, this would best illustrate
After he was spanked on several occasions for spilling his milk at a restaurant, Colin became afraid to go to the restaurant. In this case, spanking was a(n) ________ for Colin's fear.
unconditioned stimulus
B. F. Skinner's work elaborated what E. L. Thorndike had called
the law of effect.
Skinner developed a behavioral technology that included a procedure known as
A pigeon is consistently reinforced with food for pecking a key after seeing an image of a human face, but not reinforced for pecking after seeing other images. By signaling that a pecking response will be reinforced, the image of a human face is a(n)
discriminative stimulus.
Giving a hungry rat food for pressing a bar before the rat has a chance to engage in other incidental behaviors like running or scratching best illustrates
immediate reinforcement.
The way slot machines reward gamblers with money best illustrates
partial reinforcement.
An executive in a computer software firm works with his office door closed. At the same time every hour he opens the door to see what his employees are doing. The employees have learned to work especially hard during the five minutes before and while the door is open. Their work pattern is typical of responses that are reinforced on a ________ schedule.
Administering an aversive stimulus following an operant response is
positive punishment.
B. F. Skinner believed that teaching machines could promote effective learning because they allow for both
shaping and immediate reinforcement.