Producing World Class Goods and Services

Management ch apter 10

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The work directed toward the innovation, introduction and improvement of products and sservices is called?
Research and Developement (R&D)
The creation of goods and services using the factors of production and manufacturing is called?
The term used to describe the activities managers do to help there firms create goods is called
Production management
Prouction has been replaced with ____________ to refelect both goods and services.
An specialized area of management that transforms inputs into outputs is called?
Operations managment
Selection a geographic location for operations is called?
Facility location
The physical arrangement of resources in the production process is called
Facility layout
Unlike assembly line layout, when teams of workers combine to produce more complex units of the final products it is called?
Modular layout
When similar equiptment and functions are grouped together the layout is called?
A process layout
When workers are allowed to congregate around the product with increased individual training and workload and reduce employee number, the layout is called?
Fixed-position layout
A company that consistently produces the product wanted by customers and reduces the the errors involved creates?
When only 3.4 defects per million oppertunities is produced, a company is following a
Six sigma quality scheme
When all phases of production are continually monitored by managers, the managers are practising
Statistical quality control (SQC)
When managers take statistical samples of product components and plot them on a graph, they are using
Statistical process Control (SPC) "Deming cycle"
The cycle steps of PDCA are?
Plan do check act