Principles of Marketing Exam #2


67 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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Consists of the actions a person takes in purchasing and using products and services, including the mental and social processes that come before and after these actions. we study this bc consumers are not rational because utility is not constant!
Consumer Behavior
· Purchasing decision process
1.problem recognition 2.information search 3.Alternative evaluation 4. Purchase decision 5.Post-purchase behavior
perceiving a need. this happens when there is a diff btw our ideal situation/state and our actual/current situation. whenever there is a gap; it is an need or want
Problem recognition
seeking value, knowledge experience
Information search
assessing value, compare diff brands
Alternative evaluation
Part of info search if the decision is more involving
External search
Part of info search, ppl that you know
personal search
Part of info search, consumer reports, gov ratings/rankings, industry info
Public sources
Part of info search, marketer provides the info - (retail salesperson, advertising
Marketer-dominated sources
Factors most important to you to help compare brands, has 2 types of criteria
evaluative criteria: 1. compensatory criteria 2. non compensatory criteria
Wish list" type of things, none of them are necessarily a necessity. NET VALUE of a set of features
Compensatory criteria
deal breaker, requirement for you; if its not there, you won't buy it
Non compensatory criteria
part of evaluative criteria, subset or brands we choose from
Consideration set
Part of evaluative criteria top-of-mind awareness, brands you thought of
Evoke set
buying value: 1.1. choose brand 1.2. when to buy 1.3. where to buy
purchase decision: