Post-Colonial Criticism (1990s-present)

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Post-colonial criticism is similar to
Cultural studies
Post-colonial criticism is similar to cultural studies, but...
But it assumes a unique perspectiveทัศนคติ on literature and politics that warrantsให้เหตุผล a separate discussion.
Specifically, post-colonial critics are concerned with...
Literature produced by... and works produce by ...
By what?
Literature produce by colonial powers

works produced by those who were/ are colonized
Post=colonial theory looks at issues of...
Power, economics, politics, religion, and culture and how tese elements work in relation to colonial hegemony (western colonizers controlling the colonized).
A post-colonial critic might be interested in works such as ...
Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe
What is the story of Crusoe?
Where colonial "...ideology [is] manifest in Crusoe's colonialist attitude towardt he land upon which he's shipwrecked and toward the black man he 'colonized' and name Friday"
Post-colonial theory might point out that "...despite Heart of Darkness's (Josepth Conrad) obvious anti-...
anti what?
Anti-colonist agenda

the novel points to the colonized population as the standard of savegery ความดุร้าย to which Europeans are contrastedความแตกต่าง.
Post-colonial criticism also takes the form of...
Literature composed by autors that critique Euro-centric hegemony.
In semincal post-colonial writers, who have written a number of stories recounting the suffering of colonized people?
Chinua Achebe author of 'Nigerian'

Ngugi wa Thoing's author of 'Kenyan'
Give an example from Chinua Achebe
In 'Things Fall Apart', Achebe details the strifeการแข่งขันกัน and devastationการทำลายล้าง that occurred when British colonists began moving inland from the Nigerian coast.
Post-colonial criticism also questions the role of the western literary canonหลักการทั่วไป and western history as ...
Dominant forms of knowledge making
The terms "first-world," "second world," "thied world" and "fourth world" nations are critiqued by who and why?
By post-colonial critics because they reinforce the dominant positions of western cultures populating first world status.
This critique includes the literary canon and histories written from the perspective of ...
First-world cultures.
Give an example of a post-colonial critic
A post-colonial critic might question the works included in "the canon" because the canon does not contain works by authors outside western culture.