Plant Evolution + Diversity: Alternation of Generations + Plant Life Cycles

Plant Evolution + Diversity: Alternation of Generations + Plant Life Cycles.

6 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Key Adaptations for Life on Land (4)
–Dependent embryos (characteristic of all plants) –Lignified vascular tissues –Seeds –Flowers
Alternation of Generations (definition)
Separate diploid and haploid generations alternate with one another
Mitosis (2)
1. Cell division that produces 2 daughter cells that are identical to each other and to their parent cell 2. Occurs in both haploid and diploid cells
Cell division of a diploid cell that produces four haploid daughter cells, or gametes
Question 5
Answer 5
Four Types of Plants
1. Mosses + Non-Vascular Plants
2. Seedless Vascular Plants
3. Seed Plants
4. Angiosperms