Physiological Psychology, Test 2.

Physiopsych test 2 preparation!

60 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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CSF I) stands for..II) surrounds & cushions...II) circulates..
I) cerebrospinal fluidII) the brain in subarachnoid spaceIII) nutrition.
The bigger the ventricles,
The less brain matter.
Through CSF, the ventricle system protects I)_______ and circulates II)_______.
Through CSF, the ventricle system protects the brain from trauma and circulates nutrients through the system.
CSF is circulated through the I) _____ through chambers called II) ______ that are like III)____ __ ___ ____.
CSF is circulated through the CNS through chambers called ventricles that are like canals in the brain.
CSF is produced by a structure called the I) _____, which protrudes into (/pokes up through) the II) _____.
CSF is produced by a structure called the choroid plexus which protrudes into (pokes up through) the ventricles.
What do the sensory systems allow us to do?
Sensory systems allow us to filter out unimportant and monotonous stimuli.
Sensory information is integrated into what type of code?
Sensory information is integrated into a neural code.
How does sensory information travel to the CNS?
Spinal nerves (touch below the neck). Cranial nerves (everything else).
What area of the brain receives all incoming sensory info and only lets what is determined as important (new, relevant) info into the cortex?
The thalamus.
What area of the brain forwards information to the correct areas of the cerebral cortex for final processing (projection fibers)?
The thalamus.
What area of the brain notices when things are different? Ex: Used to sleeping in loud, is quiet: what area of the brain would be all, "w-t-f, mate?"
The thalamus notices when there is a deviation from expected "set point."
Damage to what area has been found as a contributing factor to schizophrenia (and several other disorders)?
The thalamus.
What area sends projection fibers (ascending axons) to sensory areas of the cortex to be further processed?
The thalamus.
What area of the brain is the second filtering point within the NS? This area decides that monotonous and unimportant stimuli do not get passed on.
The thalamus.
What sense is related to the lateral geniculate nucleus?