Physical Science Final

Second half o f the year

59 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Branches of Science
Social and natural
Branches of natural science
Physical, life, and earth/space
Branches of physical science
Chemistry, physics
Study of matter and change
Relationships between matter and energy ( laws of the universe)
Branches of science flowchart
Answer 6
Joining of atoms
Ionic bonds
-transfer e- -involves metals with nonmetals -recorded in formula units -ions- cations and anions
Covalent bonds
-share e- - involves nonmetals - molecules - polar and nonpolar
Equal sharing, low difference in electronegativity
Unequal sharing, high difference in electronegativity
Indicate number of atoms ex1. (NH4)3PO4 = 20 atoms
Naming of covalent bonds PREFIXES- mono, di, tri, tetra, penta. hexa, hepta, octo,, nona, deca ex1. P4O10= tetraphosphorous decoxide ex2. Dinitrogen pentaoxide= N2O5
Naming ionic
Cross the charges ex. Mg2+ F1- = MgF2
Relative motion
Movement in relation to your frame of refrence