Pathophysiology Final Exam

This is for the final exam in patho. 

165 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Chronic or acute inflammatory process that involves sebaceous glands
Acne is associated with...
An increase in sebaceous gland activity
Androgens and acne
Androgens increase acne
Estrogen and acne
Estrogen decreases gland activity
Group of skin lesions that are red, blistery, scaly, thick, weepy, itchy
Atopic eczema
can appear at any age
appears usually right before adolescence
lesions develop at flexure points
- elbow, wrist, neck
Contact eczema
When you come into contact with antigens
- poison ivy, metals
just avoid what you are allergic to
Caused by compulsive scratching of the skin b/c the skin is dry
usually see this during the winter- cold weather
prevent this by keeping skin lubricated or topical solutions to decrease itching
Characterized by:
- edema (swelling)
- erythema (redness)
almost always associated with allergic reactions
Thick, scaly lesions on skin
look silvery white
tend to occur on elbows, knees, scalp
severity fluctuates
very correlated with arthritis
runs in families
treated topically but no cure
common- 1-2% of population
Contagious dna virus
Flat warts
Tend to appear on upper part of body
contagious dna virus
Two types of warts
Flat warts
planters warts
Planters warts
Appear on bottom of foot
tend to grow in a triangle, may hit nerve tissue
may have to cut it out
wear duct tape over it or apply topical Vitamin A
Herpes Simplex 1
Cold sores
no cure
Acyclovir- drug used