Parts of The Cerebrum (Cerebral Cortex)


15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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List all of the things the frontal lobe is in charge of
Behavior, Abstract Thought Processes, Problem Solving, Attention, Creative Thought, Some Emotion, Intellect, Reflection, Judgement, Initiative, Inhibition, Coordination of Movements, Generalized and Mass Movements, Some eye Movements, Sense of Smell, Muscle Movements, Skilled Movements, Some Motor Skills, Physical Reaction, Libido
List all of the things that the temporal lobe is in charge of
Auditory Memories, Some Hearing, Visual Memories, Some vision Pathways, Other Memory, Music, Fear, Some Language, Some Speech, Some Behavior and Emotions, Sense of Identity
List the things that the parietal lobe is in charge of
Sense of Touch (tactile sensation), Appreciation of Form Through Touch, response to Internal Stimuli (proprioception), Sensory Combination and Comprehension, Some Language and reading Functions, Some Visual Functions
What is the occipital lobe in charge of?
The occipital lobe is in charge of reading and vision. It receives and processes visual information directly fromt he eyes and relates this information to the parietal love (Wernicke's Area) and motor cortex (ftontal lobe). One of te things it must do is interpret upside down images of the world that are projected onto the retina by the lens of the eye.
What does the right hemisphere do?
The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, temporal and spatial relationships, analyzing nonverbal information, communicating emotion
Left hemisphere
Controls the right hemisphere, produce and understand language
Corpus callosum
Communication between the left and right sife of the brain
The cortex is folded forming grooves and folds. what are these grooves anf olfd called?
The folds are called gyri and the grooves are called sulci
How many large sulci divide the cerebral cortex into various lobes? What are the lobes called?
4 sulci divide the cerebral cortex into dfferent lobes, and these lobes are: Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Temporal Lobe, and Occipital lobe
When viewd from above a large groove separates the brain into the left and right halves. what is this major groove called?
This major groove is called the interhemispheric fissure
The halves talk to each other through a tract of white matter fibers, what are these white matter fibers called?
These white-matter fibers are caleld the corpus callosum
Also, the right and left temporal lobes communicate through another tract of ribers near the rear of the brain. what are these called?
These are called the anterior commissure.
The cortical area above the corpus callosum is divided by a groove, what is this groove called?
This groove is called the cingulate gyrus, also referred to as the limbic system, or limbic lobe.
Finish this sentence: Deep within the cerebrum are the...
Basal Ganglia, amygdala, and hippocampus
What are thigns that the parietal lobe controls?
The parietal lobe receives and processes all somatosensory input from the body. Fibers from the spinal cord are distributed by the thalamus to various parts of the parietal lobe. The connections form a ap of the body's surface on the parietal lobe. This map is called a homunculus The rear of the parietal lobe (next to the temporal lobe) has a section called Wernicke's Area, which is importatn for understanding the sensory (auditory and visual) information associated with language. Damage to this area of the brain produces what is called sensory aphasia, in which patients cannot understand language but can still produce sounds