Basics of Digital Computer Terms Flashcards

PACS and digi tal

53 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Computer from the past used to be what kind of memory and how much kb?
8 track memory, 18 kb rom 128X128
Computer has 5 main parts
q Input q Processing q Memory q Storage q Output
The computer input does what
It is ways to put in information (ways to enter info, keyboards,cd)
What is the brain of the computer?
What kinds of memory is used in a computer? what is memory?
Permanent (primary) and temperary memory is used to store input and output data
What are the two types of memory?
RAM=randon access memory which is prime memory ROM is secondary (read only) and not easily accessed
What are application programs?
Programs you buy after you get the computer. (quicken,excell)
Computer science
Binary =bit or binary digit; is either 0 or 1/ 8 bits= 1 byte, 255 in decimal form. one million bytes is referred to as one megabyte or 1MB
Digital imaging is?
Images that comes after converter. changes image to digital image. A numeric representation of the xray intensities that are transmitted through the patient.
Pixels are?
Picture element, each cell in the image matrix/grid.
Image matrix
Layout of cells in rows and columns
Image matrix size (FOV)
Total pixels =#rows X #columns the more pixels the better the resolution
Digital imaging requires whats?
Hardware and software applications to process images. systematic application of highly complex mathematical formulas called algorithms (applied to image in cassette to produce better images)
Digital imaging modalities
• Computed Tomography (CT) • Sonography • Nuclear Medicine • Magnetic Resonance (MRI) • Mammography • RadiographyAngiography
Conventional imaging
Different cassette/film size (6 sizes) 2 intensifying screen speeds-detailed extremity screen 100 speed. rare earth 400 speed or greater. elbow and ankle down use more radation. lose detail w/ high speeds