A&P Chapter 23: Respiration

Respiration review

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Functions of the Respiratory System
Ventilation: movement of air into and out of lungsExternal respiration: gas exchange between lungs and bloodInternal respiration: gas exchange between blood and tissuesRegulation of pH: altered by changing blood CO2 levelsProduction of chemical mediators: ACE produced in lungs, regulates ATPVoice production: Air past vocal areasOlfaction: Airborne moleculesProtection: Prevents entry of MOs and removes MOs from surfaces
Upper Tract of Respiratory System
Nose, pharynx, associated structures
Lower Tract of Respiratory System
Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs
In nasal cavityOpening to pharynx
Hard Palate
Floor of nasal cavity
Nasal Septum
Partition dividing cavity
Cavities in bone. Decrease skull weight to make life easier. Allow for voice resonation.
Functions of Nasal Cavity
Cleans, humidifies, warms airHairs trap dust, mucus traps debris, cilia sweeps mucus away to be eliminated by digestionOlfaction Resonation chambers for speech
Pharynx: Common opening for digestion & respiration: 3 Segments
Nasopharynx: pseudostratified columnar epithelium (w goblet cells)Oropharynx: lined with moist stratified squamous epitheliumLaryngopharynx: Epiglottis to esophagus (also lined w moist stratified squamous epithelium)
Unpaired Cartileges of the Larynx
Thyroid Cartilege: biggest (Adam's Apple)Cricoid Cartilege: base of larynxEpiglottis: attached to thyroid via flap at base of tongue** thyroid and cricoid maintain open airway
Ligaments of the Larynx
Vestibular FoldsTrue Vocal Folds (opening between glottis)
Functions of Larynx
Maintain open airway (thyroid & cricoid cartileges)Prevent swallowed stuff from entering lungs (epiglottis & vestibular folds)Vocal folds are primary source of sound production
Mucociliary Escalator
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium traps debris and goblet cells produce mucus; cilia push mucus away so that it can be eliminated
Cartilege at bifurcation of trachea; very sensitive epithelium which initiates cough reflex
Cells of the Respiratory Membrane (3)
Type I Pneumocytes: v thin, for gas exchangeType II Pneumocytes: produce surfactant"Dust Cells": are macrophages