A&P Chapter 21: Blood Vessels

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Simple squamous epithelium & layer of loose CTSubstances move through by diffusion
Continuous Capillaries
Fenestrated Capillaries
Have many windows, so they're leaky. They are common in the glomeruli of the kidneys.
Capillary Network
Arterioles are incomingVenules are outgoingMetarteriole is the beginning of capillary bedIf the precapillary sphincter is closed, blood goes through the thoroughfare channels between
Tunica Intima
InsideEndothelium, basement membrane, CT & elastic fibers
Tunica Media
MiddleCircular, smooth muscle cells
Tunica Externa
OutsideCT, gives toughness to artery
Blood vessels of the blood vessels
Elastic Arteries
Large diameter, lots of elastic tissue, usually near heart so there is lots of pressure
Muscular Arteries
Smooth muscles allows them to regulate blood suppy; Adapted for vasodilation & vasoconstriction
Itty bitty arteries which connect arteries to capillaries
Drain capillary bedsEndothelium, basement, smooth muscle cells
Small veins
Collect blood from venulesSmooth muscle with collagenous CT
Extra potassiumDepolarizes cardiac cells, opens some K+ channels, but not enough to generate AP
Local Control of BP
- Renin-Angiotensin-Aldostrone Mechanism (RAAM)- ADH Mechanism- Atrial Natriuretic Hormone- Fluid Shift Mechanism- Stress Relaxation Response