Ohio Temps. Test

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73 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Your parents have to sign in order for you to get your temps until you are how old?
18 years old
Drive on the right side of the road except when:
Overtaking or passing driving on a road with 3 or more marked lanes driving on a one way street police officer tells you not to an obstruction makes it necessary to drive left of center (always yield to traffic traveling in the correct direction)
When driving on a road with 2 or more lanes going in the same direction the following applies:
-you must drive as closely as possible within a single lane, do not move from lane until you are sure such movement can be made safely and you have put on the turn signal - when on a 3 lane road do not drive in the center lane unless it is exclusively for traffic moving in the same direction you are moving in
What do you do when an emergency vehicle is approaching
You must drive to a position parallel to the right edge or curb of the road and stop do not block intersections remain in this position until the vehicle has passed
What do you do when an emergency vehicle is stopped alongside of the road
Reduce your speed when possible change lanes to pass the emergency vehicle in a lane that is not adjacent to where the emergency vehicle is stopped
When are you allowed to occupy a dividing or barrier space on a highway
When used for an emergency stop or when direction by a police officer
What do you do when you turn right
Signal and turn a close as possible to the right hand curb or edge of the road
When is it ok to turn right on red
When there is no sign posted to say it is illegal to turn right on red when you have come to a complete stop and have allowed all crossing traffic and pedestrians to go through intersection and when you can see that the turn can be made safely
The driver of a vehicle inteding to turn left:
See pages 36 and 37 for information and diagram
When should you singal your intent to turn
At least 100 feet before the intended turn
What are the appropriate hand arm signals
A drive must stop:
Behind the stop line or crosswalk at any stop sign or traffic light before making a right or left turn on red @ a flashing red traffic signal yielding to all traffic with the right of way at a sidewalk or crosswalk yielding to pedestrians before entering an intersection if there is not sufficient space for the vehicle at the approach of a public safety vehicle
When a school bus it stopped on a roadway to pick up or drop off children the following regulations apply to other drivers:
When a school bus activates yellow light you do not need to stop but be prepared to when flashing red lights come on you must stop on a road with less then four lanes all drivers must stop on a road with 4 or more lanes only those going in the same direction as the school bus must stop
How do you know how far to put in between you and the car ahead of you
One car length for every 10 miles per hour OR use the 3 second rule
A drive must yield the right of way:
When there is a yield sign when crossing or entering a highway by a smaller/ less traveled road to a vehicle approaching from the right on a similar road to a pedestrian at a marked crosswalk or intersection on the approach of a public safety vehicle funeral processions to oncoming traffic when making a L turn AND to traffic approaching before making a R turn on red