Explain Usage of Distillers Grains in Beef Cattle Diets Flashcards

The flashcards cover the vitamins and mineral required for domestic animals. They also cover the various vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as toxicities.

118 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is an excellent source of most vitamins.
____ is high in distiller grains and cause toxicity problems when distillers are fed at high levels in the diet.
What is the maximum tolerable sulfur level for most ruminant diets?
0.16 - 0.24%
A vitamin __ , calcium or phosporous deficiency can have similar symptoms.
Animals exposed to the sun wll have reduced ___ requirements.
Vitamin D
Wheat products may improve ___ absorption due to their ___ activity and is more beneficial for monogastrics compared to ruminant animals.
Phosphorous, phytase
A phosphorous deficiency that cause animals to eat almost any hard object is called:
Grass tetany is commonly associated with excess potassium in the forage.
Pansteatitis in cats results from a ___ deficiency.
Vitamin E
Vitamin ___ is required for the enlargement of the foramen through which the optic nerve passes.
Polioencephalomalcia is associated with a ____ deficiency and excess ___ in ruminants.
Thiamine, sulfur
The vitamin required for the synthesis of FAD is:
The mineral that combines with hydroxyapatite to form a harder crystal is:
Selenium intake can have a major effect on the ____ requirement.
Vitamin E
Why is anemia a symptom of copper deficiency?
Because copper is needed to get iron into a form that can be incorporated into hemoglobin in red blood cells.