Nutrition - Enteral Nutrition/Parenteral Nutrition

Nutrition lecture flash cards for NURS 306, taken directly from Dr. A. Olmsted's powerpoint

94 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Who, by JCAHO standards is supposed to fill out a nutritional assessment on every patient?
The dietician
What lab level is a long-term indicator of nutritional status?
What is considered to be WNL for albumin levels?
4 g/dl
What is one important reason that albumin levels remain WNL?
Important in regards to drugs that are highly protein bound, such as Dilantin
What are some nutritional assessment indicators?
Weight loss (10%), albumin levels, and trasnferrin levels
T/F: Nutritional Assessments are done on every patient
T/F: A thorough nutritional assessment is not helpful in indicating early nutrition
T/F: If a nutritional issue is noted upon assessment, it is important to correct the problem
T/F: during hospitalization, basal metabolic rate tends to increase
As a nurse, what can be requested for the patient, based off of the nutritional assessment?
Ensure supplements on meal tray, speech consul (evaluate swallowing) to determine risk for aspiration
As a nurse, what can be done upon assessment to check nutritional status?
Obtain height, weight, I&O, have a dietary consult for a caloric count
As a nurse, what can be done to encourage patient's nutritional intake?
Assist patient with completing daily menu and collaborate with family to bring food from home
What is stress hypermetabolism associated with?
Critical illnesses associated with surgery, sepsis, and severe injuries (trauma, burns)
T/F: if nutrition is not started within 48 hours of being on a critical care floor, the risk for mortality is increased
What does stress hypermetaboism cause an increase of?
An increase in oxygen consumption and an increase in protein metabolism