Nutrition - Chapter 2 : Carbohydrates

Chapter 2: Ca rbhoydra

78 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Do proteins and alcohol offer any advantage to the body as fuel ?
What does the brain and nervous system depend on almost exclusively as a source for fuel ?
Do fats provide fuel ?
Somewhat, but not normally used for brain and nervous system
What are dietary carbohydrates?
Simple sugars, starch, and fiber
What is another word for simple sugars?
What are the two types of simple sugars?
Monosaccharides & Dissaccharides
What is the chemist view of starch and fiber?
What are the three types of monosaccharides?
Glucose, fructose, and galactose
What is insulin's role with glucose?
Moves glucose from blood to cells, cells use glucose for fuel
What is glucagon's role with glucose ?
Brings glucose out of storage
Which carbohydrate do the brain and nervous system rely on exclusively ?
What are the two mose common monosaccharides in nature?
Glucose and fructose
Galactose is...
Primarily occurs as apart of lactose, known as milk sugar, and freed from lactose as single sugar during digestion
What are the three types of disaccharides ?
Sucrose, lactose, and maltose
What do enzymes do with disaccharides during digestion ?
They split disaccharides into two monosaccharides