Nonvascular Plants

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Question 1
What type of plant is this PhylaThalloid or leafyGametophyte or sporophyteMale or FemaleWhere is the thallusEach lobe of the leaf contains _______ _______.
Liverwort (Marchantia)HepatophytaThalloidGametophyteMaleThe body (the flat head portion)Anthridial receptacles
Question 2
What type of plant is this PhylaThalloid or leafyGametophyte or sporophyteMale or FemaleEach "wing" of the star shaped leaf contains _______ _______.
Liverwort (Marchantia)HepatophytaThalloidGametophyteFemaleArchegonial receptacles
Question 3
What type of plant is this PhylaThalloid or leafyGametophyte or sporophyteMale or FemaleWhat are the little round cups and what are they used for
Liverwort (Marchantia)HepatophytaThalloidGametophyteFemale (pictured), but male can have cups as wellGemmae cupules used for asexual reproduction
Question 4
What type of plant is this PhylaThalloid or leafyGametophyte or sporophyteMale or FemaleWhat are the threads coming off and what are they for
Liverwort (Marchantia)HepatophytaThalloidGametophyteFemale (pictured)Rhizoids used for anchoring the plant to the substrate
In plants, the reproductive cells of the male are called _________ and the reproductive cells of the female are called _______. Male cells are located in the ________. Female cells are located in the __________.
Speam, egg, antheridia, archegonia
What are the steps in the Marchantia (Liverwort) life cycle?
1. Male gametophyte plant releases sperm in water droplets2. Female gametophyte plant catches sperm in archegonial receptacles.3. Sperm+Egg = Diploid Zygote in the archegonium 4. Embryo develops (still diploid)5. Mature diploid sporophyte "sac-looking" structure forms on the female gametophyte plant6. Sporophyte relases haploid "meiospores" that mature into male and female gametophytes
Question 7
What type of plant is this PhylaMale or FemaleWhat are the 3 big purple spots on the left hand side of the image
MarchantiaHepatophytaFemale (because it curls under)Archegonial receptacles
Question 8
What type of plant is this PhylaMale or FemaleWhat are the large purple ovals across the thalus of the plant
MarchantiaHepatophytaMale (because it is flat)Antheridial receptacles with antheridia producing sperm
Question 9
What type of plant is this PhylaGametophyte or sporophyteSexual or Asexual reproductionOn the sporophytes, ________ are presentThallus body has cavities filled with _________, home to nitrogen-fixing ___________. ______ anchor the plant to the ground
Hornwort, AnthocerosAnthocerophytaBoth (asexually through fragmentation)Mucus, cyanobacteriarhizoids
Question 10
What type of plant is this PhylaWhat part of the plant is this a cross section of
Hornwort, AnthocerosAnthocerophytaSporophyte
Question 11
What type of plant is this PhylaWhat are the yellow spiky things
True Moss (PolythrichumBryophytaCapsules of the sporophyte which have broken open releasing spores
Question 12
What type of plant is this PhylaCommercial applications
Sphagnum moss (Peat Moss)BryophytaUsed as potting material due to ability to hold water
Describe the life cycle of a moss
1. Mature female and male gametophytes near each other2. Male releases sperm into water droplet, and sperm swims to female egg3. Sperm+Egg=Diploid zygote in the females archegonium4. Diploid zygote grows into an embryo5. Embryo grows into a stalk with a capsule on the top, coming right out of the middle of the mature female gametophyte plant. The capsule has a lid called the operculum. This stalk and capsule are called the sporophyte.6. Inside the sporophyte, meiosis takes place forming haploid spores7. One day the operculum sloughs off, and the "meiospores" are released.8. Meiospores germinate into a "protonema" or baby plant9. Protonema grows into a mature male or female haploid gametophyte
Historical applications of peat moss
Native american diapers, menstrual pads, WWI bandages