Mr. B's Progressivism and Imperialism Unit Terms

Mr. B's Progressivism

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Answer 1
Group of reform movements of the late 1800’s that focused on urban problems, such as the plight of workers, poor sanitation, and political corruption
Answer 2
Journalists who “raked up” and exposed corruption and problems of society
Seventeenth Amendment
Answer 3
American voters directly elect U.S. Senators
Answer 4
Procedure that allows voters to approve or reject a law already proposed or passed by government
Bully Pulpit
Answer 5
A platform used to publicize and seek support for important issues (Teddy Roosevelt)
Square Deal
Answer 6
Teddy Roosevelt’s 1904 campaign slogan; the needs of workers, business, and consumers should be balanced; called for limiting the power of trusts, promoting public health and safety, and improving working conditions
Trust Busting
Answer 7
Roosevelt sued big business for violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. (This act kept businesses from having monopolies)
Pure Food & Drug Act
Answer 8
Law that forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of food and patent medicine containing harmful ingredients, and required that containers of food and medicines carry ingredient labels
Environmental Conservation
Answer 9
Creation of a national park system; the U.S. Forest Service created
Federal Reserve Act
Answer 10
Law that created a central fund from which banks could borrow to prevent collapse during a financial panic; also placed banking system under government supervision
Nineteenth Amendment
Answer 11
Gave women the right to vote (suffrage)
Brownsville Incident
Answer 12
Accusation of 12 members of the African American 25th Infantry of a shooting spree in Brownsville, Texas; since no members took responsibility for the shooting, all were dishonorably discharged; years later it was determined that they had been falsely accused
Answer 13
The extension of a nation’s power over other lands
Economic Interests
Answer 14
Desire for new markets and raw materials
Military Interests
Answer 15
Desire for naval bases and coaling stations