MKTG 350 Test 3: QUIZ Chapter 11

QUIZ Chapter 11

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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For years, L'Oreal hair color would say in their ad that L'Oreal is "expensive, but you're worth it." This is an example of which type of advertisement?
Two-sided message
Which of the following statements adequately reflects the concept of attitude component consistency?
A change in one attitude component tends to produce related changes in the other components.
Dr. Rosenfeld is the doctor on Sunday House Call, a Sunday morning health program on the Fox News channel. Dr. Rosenfeld is highly esteemed in his field and provides up-to-date medical information for viewers. Sometimes he recommends specific products, and Valerie, a regular viewer of the program, trusts what he says or recommends because he doesn't seem to have an apparent motive to mislead viewers. Which characteristic does Dr. Rosenfeld possess?
Source credibility
Dana is watching television when a commercial for a brand of bathroom cleaner comes on. She is not very interested in the product category, but the ad was entertaining and made her laugh. As a result, she had a positive attitude toward the brand of cleaner advertised. According to the elaboration likelihood model, which route to persuasion influenced Dana?
Peripheral route
Caleb learned from his parents that littering was bad, so when he sees someone doing it, he forms an unfavorable impression of that person. Caleb's learned predisposition to dislike someone who litters represents his _____.
Margaret only wants to buy her clothes at American Eagle Outfitter because she knows that they are considered acceptable by her peers, and she wants to be accepted by her peers. This attitude toward this brand of clothing is serving which function for Margaret?
Ego-defensive function
Mitch likes Toyota automobiles because he thinks they have the highest reliability of all automobiles. His belief about Toyota's reliability represents which component of Mitch's attitude?
Feelings or emotional reactions to an object reflect the _____ component of an attitude