Define the Hippocrates Theory Flashcards

Study and Define the Hippocrates Theory, and much more with the given flashcards. Attempt these simple quizzes on Hippocrates Theory with ease and grow. This flashcard is simple and easy to use and is more fun-oriented. ​

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Who was Hippocrates and what was he famous for?
Who: Hippocrates (460-377 BC), Greek doctor. What: developed 'Hippocratic oath.' Taught that disease came from natural causes, and taught trainee doctors to examine/observe patients carefully.
Who was Aristotle and why was he famous?
Who: Aristotle (384-322 BC) What: used ideas of other Greek Philosophers to develop theory of 4 humours, that body was made up of 4 fluids, these were linked to the 4 seasons and elements.
Who was Pyhtagoras and what did he think?
Pythagoras (580-500 BC) thought life was about the balance of opposites.
Who was Galen and what was he famous for?
Who: Galen (AD 129-199) was a Greek Doctor. What: discovered lots of new info about anatomy. disected Pigs, dogs, apes & some humans. He had to base his theories about us on animal experiments.
What was Galen's famous mistake?
He thought that the heart was divided into 2 parts, each carrying 2 seperate lots of blood around the body. People believed Galen's wrong ideas for the next 1500 years.
Who was Avicenna and hat was he famous for?
Was a Persian physician (AD 980- 1037) , he wrote a million word book on medicine. It contained all sorts of treatments for all known diseases and was used by trainee doctors as a textbook until the 1960s!
Who was Paré and what was he famous for?
Who: Paré (1520-1590) What: became an army surgeon, treated battle wounds of french army. invented method of tying off vessels with threads (ligatures). He also designed quite sophisticated artificial legs.
Who was Versalius and what was he famous for?
Who: Versaluis (1514-1564) What: Was an Italian doctor, he made accurate drawings from dissections. He pinched a body from a gibbet (execution-hangings).
Who was Harvey and What was he famous for ?
Who: William Harvey (1578-1657) What: He was a doctor and alsp a physician, he discovered that the heart acts as a pump, circulating the SAME blood all the time. He showed that the blood pumped blood through arteries and the blood returned to the heart through the veins.
Who was Jenner and what was he famous for?
Who: Edward Jenner (1749-1823) was a country doctor in Gloucestershire. What: Heard that milkmaids didn't get smallpox, but they did catch the much milder cowpox. He investigated and discovered that people who had cowpox didn't get smallpox. Experimented on a little boy. Became famous even amongst Native Americans.
Who was Pasteur and why was he famous?
Who: Pasteur (1822-1895) What: Was the 1st to suggest that germs cause disease. Was asked to find out what makes company's beetroot alcahol turn sour. He prooved that there were germs in the air.
Who was Nightingale and why was she famous?
Who: Nightingale (1820-1910) What: Was a nurse during the Crimean war, went to Scutari to sort out the nursing care in hospitals. Took with her 38 hand-picked nurses and improved the higeine of the hospital. The death rate had dropped from 43% to 2% in 2 years.
Who was Lister and what was he famous for?
Who:Joseph Lister (1827-1912) What:Used Carbonic Acid on instruments and bandages to keep the surgical instruments sterile.
Who was Kock and what was he famous for?
Who: Robert Koch (1843-1910), German Scientist. What: Prooved germs caused disease in humans. He was able to identify the germs causing the deadly diseases TB,& Cholera.
Who was Marie Curie and what was she famous for?
Who: Marie Curie (1867-1934) polish scientist What: Discovered the element radium.