Medical Terminology I- Chapter 4 Skeletal System Cont'd

Skeletal system cont'd

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Ewing's sarcoma
Growth found in shaft of long bone that spreads through periosteum. removal is treatment of choice, because will spread to other organs.
Osteogenic sarcoma
Common type of bone cancer. begins in osteocytes found at the ends of long bones
Softening of bones due to lack of calcium
Decrease in bone mass, results in thinning of bone, resulting in fractures, bone becomes porous, especially in spine and pelvis
Paget's disease
Common metabolic disease of bone, unknown causes,attacks middle age and elderly, bone destruction and deformity, Sir James Paget, British surgeon
Ankylosing sondylitis
Inflammatory spinal condition, resembles rheumatoid arthritis, gradual stiffening and fusing of vertebrae, more common in men
Herniated nucleus pulposus
Herniation or protrusion of an intervertebral disk, herniated disk or ruptured disk, may require surgery
Spina bifida
Congenital, vertebra fail to form around spinal cord
Spinal stenosis
Narrowing of spinal canal, causes pressure on cord and nerves
Forward sliding of a lumbar vertebra over the vertebra below it
Refers to ankylosing of the spine, commonly used in reference to degenerative conditions of the vertebral column
Injury to bones in cervical spine, as result of sudden backward or forward movement of head and neck
Inflammation of bursa at 1st metatarsophalangeal joint, base of big toe
When bones in a joint are displaced from normal alignment, ends of bones are no longer contact
Arthritis resulting in degeneration of the weight bearing bones and joints, results in bone rubbing against bone